My last weekend with ProWorld in Cape Coast was a lot of fun!! We had dancing and drumming lessons, which were crazy haha. I am no ghanian dancer that's for sure!! The drumming was fun, I wish the Internet was better so I could upload the videos!! They're a riot!! We did good though. The next day we did a volunteer project at an orphanage an hour away. We moved cinder bricks, watches how they make cement, then dug some serious dirtage for the floor of a new building for the orphanage. The kids were so amazing and funny. I hope I get to go back there one day. When people told me that I wold probably come back with adopted kids, I didn't believe them... But I swear if I could've I would've. One of them, his name was Anthony and I fell in love with him. I wanted him to be my son, it was the weirdest feeling. Haha. Idk. -awkward- but when we left I felt like my heart was breaking a little. I just wanted to take him and keep him forever. He showed me the maize they were growing and showed me the garden and a little about the town since everyone else drove down to the orphanage from the building site and I decided to walk with the boys from the orphanage. It was funny because they called me a "hard worker" even though everyone did great!! I just didn't stop to take a break is all. They were great boys though, and I'm going to miss them.... Like I said, I hope I get to visit them soon while I'm in Jasikan.
I was really excited and yet sad to be ending with Pro World. There were amazing people that I was able to share my two weeks with; those people honestly make me excited about the future for the United States. The heart, passion and intelligence of these people was rewarding to see. Leaving where I was volunteering wasn't difficult, they're great guys but I think I'm just too much of a self thinker to really fit in with there program. HALP is awesome though and I could imagine them being a larger NGO one day that really does substantial work for Cape Coast. Always excited for the possibilities!! I'm just glad to be done haha.
The hardest part of leaving was leaving my amazing home stay mother and family. They really made my two weeks. I loved every minute. I wish I could post more photos of my last day with them. They were just beautiful people all around. I couldn't have asked for a better match. I love seeing good mothers around the world, the caring ones that devote their lives to creating the best children with discipline, intelligence and heart. Evelyn was truly a gem, I'll even tell you a secret... I cried when I left. Just when it was Evelyn and I, but she just made me feel so warm inside. It's nice when you feel a mothers love. It's seriously a beautiful feeling. My favorite, Charlotte, was crying and tried to be stone face when I left. She is so much like me it's hysterical. She didn't want me to leave but she tried to act tough, I love it. I miss them so much, they were my family.
Well from the last to the first, I actually took my first bucket bath the day I left. It wasn't bad AT ALL!!! I was honestly dreading it, but the only negative is the cold water and usually the cool water is exactly what you're looking for when you're sweating of the heat. Though I recommend morning baths so the bugs aren't bad and the cool water does feel good haha. Okay well onto my internship now!!! So excited to work with the Ladybug Project and Bediako Youth Aids Foundation now. Jasikan HERE I COME!!!!!
Thanks for reading :)
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